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What We Do for Nonprofits

The application for the Project XLR8 2024-2025 investment cycle is closed.

Check back in Summer of 2025 for more information.

Project XLR8 is the only local business accelerator focused solely on the unique needs of nonprofit organizations.

Project XLR8 progresses in three phases over eight months and SVP awards unrestricted grant money to participating nonprofits at each phase of the program.

First, eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits with a socially innovative idea apply each year in August. SVP Cincinnati defines a socially innovative idea as one that aims to change the world by enhancing opportunity; creates effective, sustainable and just solutions to our society’s challenges; and reflects the lived experience of the people it is meant to serve.

After applications are reviewed in September, the three phase process begins:

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1: Explore


Our Partners coach nonprofits in identifying an idea around which to develop a storytelling presentation using the Fast Pitch method. Group sessions are used to brainstorm, gain feedback and enhance the idea. This phase culminates in a Concept Reveal event before Partners at which several nonprofits are chosen to advance to the next phase.

2: Lift


During this phase, Partners assist nonprofits with a deep dive into several business areas, including creating a value proposition, performing a competitive analysis, investigating financial projections, assessing fundraising and more. The phase closes with an Idea Exposition Event where Partners select one idea as the focus of a sustained, multiyear community investment.

3: Realize


Dedicated teams of Partners help identify and solve the selected nonprofit’s most pressing strategic and operational challenges in launching its idea. We pool our partners’ membership contributions so we can invest up to $20,000 in the chosen nonprofit each year for two to three years for a potential total of $60,000. Just as importantly, our partners share their diverse expertise in fields such as strategic planning, risk assessment, accounting, finance, event planning, board development, communications and more to strengthen the nonprofit.


Our current Project XLR8 Investees are:


Parts of the process



For the Explore and Lift phases, we use the Fast Pitch method of storytelling training. Fast Pitch, Greater Cincinnati’s original nonprofit pitch competition, has trained more than 120 nonprofits in effective storytelling.


We’ve been helping Greater Cincinnati nonprofits for more than a decade. Meet some of our past investees, find out how Social Venture Partners helped them make Greater Cincinnati thrive, and discover what it was like to work with us, in their own words.

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Project XLR8 Sponsorship Opportunities

We sincerely appreciate our sponsors and donors who have allowed us to support Greater Cincinnati nonprofits with a unique model of engaged philanthropy. Our Partners share a passion for giving back and collectively invest time, talent and grant money to maximize our impact in the community. 

We are looking for sponsors to help support Project XLR8. A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available and we can customize to accommodate your budget and interest.

We would love to have you involved!


Sponsorship Questions? Reach out to